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Specialist Centres
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Specialist Centres Map

Use the map below to identify the specialist centre nearest to you.

NHS England and the Specialist Centres would like all TTP patients (iTTP and cTTP) to have contact with a specialist centre to ensure the best ongoing care.

If you are not currently in touch with a specialist centre please identify your nearest centre using the map below. Click on the red pin and make a note of the name of the lead consultant for that hospital. Contact your GP with the name and ask for a referral to that centre.

If you have any problems contact us at

Latest News


Andrews Fundraiser

Andrew's Dad was diagnosed with TTP in May 2024. To raise awareness & funds he & his work colleagues are taking part in a 10 mile march carrying 40lbs!


You, Me & TTP

A short film, made by patients for patients with rare blood condition thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura - TTP


Patient Designs TShirt for TTP

TTP Patient has designed a T shirt to raise funds for TTPNetwork

Have a question for us?

Do you have a question for us? Something that's bothering you about a diagnosis of TTP? Terminology you don't understand? Get in touch! We are here to help.